Michael A. Peters

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Michael A. Peters

Michael A. Peters

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Michael A. Peters Hakkında

Urbana-Champaign’de Illinois Üniversitesi’nde eğitim profesörü ve Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Sanat Okulu’nda misafir profesördür. Üç derginin yönetici editörüdür: Educational Philosophy and Theory, Policy Futures in Education ve E-Learning and Digital Media.

Eğitim, felsefe ve politika ile ilgilenmektedir ve 50’nin üzerinde kitap yazmıştır. En son çıkan üçlemesi (Simon Marginson ve Peter Murphy ile birlikte yazmıştır) Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy (2009), Global Creation: Space, Connection and Universities in the Age of the Knowledge Economy (2010), Imagination: Three Models of Imagination in the Age of the Knowledge Economy (2010) (AESA Critics Book Award 2010). Tina (A.C.) Besley ile birlikte Subjectivity and Truth: Foucault, Education and the Culture of the Self (2008) (AESA Critics Book Award 2009) ve Building Knowledge Cultures: Educational and Development in the Age of Knowledge Capitalism (2006) kitaplarının ortak yazarıdır.

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